

DOSA follows an episcopal structure of deacons, priests and bishops.  

The Episcopate is the office of the Presiding Bishop and is the head and sign of the unity of the mission, people, and leadership of DOSA.  The Bishop does not serve with unilateral jurisdictional or administrative authority but as the voice and representative of the Diocese and the convener and moderator for the Diocese.

Various Councils and Commissions exist to advise, lead and administrate the vision of the Diocese of St. Anthony.



Bishop ordinary

† Bishop Chris E.W. Green

The Right Rev. Dr. Chris E.W. Green is Bishop ordinary of the Diocese of St. Anthony and Professor of Public Theology at Southeastern University (Lakeland, FL). He is the author and editor of a number of books, including most recently The Fire and the Cloud: A Biblical Christology, All Things Beautiful: An Aesthetic Christology, and Being Transfigured: Lenten Homilies.

Bishop Chris was consecrated as a Bishop in the CEEC in August of 2023 and sits in the CEEC’s House of Bishops. He is the Bishop-Protector of the Order of St. Anthony, a neo-monastic Order composed of clergy and laity, and is the Bishop Ordinary of the Diocese of St. Anthony. Bishop Chris and his wife, Julie, live in Cleveland, TN with their sons Clive and Emery, and their Weimaraner, Auggie. Their oldest, Zoë, is currently attending the University of Oklahoma. 


Bangor University, UK
PhD, 2012

Oral Roberts University, Tulsa
DMin, 2007


Diocesan Appointments

  • Rev. Dr. David Harvey †


    As the Director of the St. Anthony Institute of Theology, Philosophy, and Liturgics, Fr. David oversees the educational process and formation of postulants in Holy Orders. Fr. David Harvey also serves as the teaching pastor of Westside King’s Church in Calgary, Alberta.

  • Mo. Deborah Jackson †


    Mother Deborah Jackson serves as the Abbess of the Online Abbey where the Order of St. Anthony gathers for daily Morning and Evening Prayer. She has also been appointed as the Canon to the Ordinary.

Bishop’s Council
Commission On Ministry

Bishop's Council

The Bishop’s Council serves at the discretion of the Bishop Ordinary Chris Green. The function of the council is to advise and come alongside the Bishop in Shepherding Care, Oversight of Apostolic Mission, Doctrine, Legislative Work, and Administration.

Commission on Ministry

The functions of the Commission on Ministry (COM) are to assist the Bishop Ordinary in determining present and future needs for ministry in the diocese and to assist in enlisting and selecting persons for Holy Orders. The Commission on Ministry also assists in matters pertaining to the continuing education of the clergy.